Tag: society

Victorian Bournemouth (204)
4th Period

Victorian Bournemouth (204): ‘a fashionable wedding’

The family of bride and heiress, Lena Lance, could have formed the basis of a novel written by Trollope, Hardy or others. Humble origins to substantial wealth in a generation. A rich old man living in a coterie of single women kin to his wife. A sensational court case about forged wills, an uncertain solicitor, and much money. A society wedding sparkling with bling. Marrying into money only a generation older, she escaped Bournemouth’s nouveau riche nervous society for Midland respectability.

Victorian Bournemouth (56): events 1856-1871
2nd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (56): events 1857-1870

Improved infrastructure, commercial vicissitudes, enriched society Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (56) consists of an analytical overview for key events during the period 1857-1870. A review of newspapers for Bournemouth’s second period shows the resort improving its infrastructure, experiencing commercial vicissitudes, while its society became enriched. Victorian Bournemouth (56): Infrastructure and Commerce Infrastructure: Commission under the microscope […]