Tag: bankruptcies

Victorian Bournemouth (125)
3rd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (125): hotels (1872-1881)

More and more choice Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (125) surveys the hotels present in the resort during the period 1872-1881. Over these years the number of establishments more than doubled. The article explores the social backgrounds of those who controlled or managed the hotels. Victorian Bournemouth (125): venue survey Holiday venues For much of Bournemouth’s early […]

Victorian Bournemouth (107): commercial trends
3rd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (107): commercial analysis (1880)

Growth on growth on growth Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (107) analyses the commercial profile of the area during its third period. The study draws from several directories, the latest published in 1880. In addition, the 1881 census contains important information. This shows that the largest economic sector, based on employees, consisted of domestic service. Directories, however, […]

Victorian Bournemouth (93)
2nd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (93): grocers (1871)

Big brands. Rivalry. Mixed success. Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (93) explores the lives, commercial success, and trading conditions of people who sold groceries during 1871. Victorian Bournemouth (93): the grocery business (1) Joseph Mundell This man, a Scotsman, gardener’s son, had come to Dorset by 1851, where he had a grocery and ironmongery in Bere Regis. […]

Victorian Bournemouth (69)
2nd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (69): Volunteer Rifle Corps (4)

Success. Disaster. Success.  Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (69) studies the career of Corporal Candy, publican at Victorian Bournemouth and member of its Volunteer Rifles. Although born into a poor rural working family, at his daughter’s wedding he had become a gentleman. Charles Candy’s career illustrates how, during the Victorian period, hard work, resourcefulness and luck could […]

Victorian Bournemouth (72)
2nd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (61): speculators’ bankruptcy

Dangerous market. Bad advice. Uneasy recovery. Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (61) studies the cases where speculators without building experience suffered bankruptcy in the late 1860s. Analysis of their bankruptcies and their social profile raises questions about the investment climate at Bournemouth. Bankruptcies for these people may have had a different social impact to builders in the […]

Victorian Bournemouth (72)
2nd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (60): builder bankruptcies

Problems: economic, commercial, personal Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (60) investigates several bankruptcies involving builders during the town’s second period. In some cases, prosecution occurred because of financial overreach combined with market downturns. On the other hand, personal conflict amongst the individuals involved in the developments may have played a role. Victorian Bournemouth (60): smaller enterprises People […]

Victorian Bournemouth (72)
2nd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (59): a rash of bankruptcies

Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (59) explores how, while sixteen residents went bankrupt between 1856 and 1866, in the following three years this happened to forty-one people. In 1869, the new Debtors’ Act reduced the inevitability of prison sentences for convicted bankrupts. While this may have increased a willingness to declare, the bankruptcies’ cause perhaps lay elsewhere. […]

Victorian Bournemouth (107): commercial trends
2nd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (55): commercial trends

Wider footprint. More businesses, choice, bankruptcies. Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (55) provides an overview of developments in the town’s business structure between 1856 and 1871. It explores the size of its commercial sector and its component parts. Inferences about the business climate but also the nature of consumer demand emerge. Significant changes appear to have occurred […]