Victorian Bournemouth (179) analyses the kinship and social profiles of Tolpuddle natives recorded as Springbourne residents during 1881.
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Victorian Bournemouth (178): early Moordown (2)
Victorian Bournemouth (178) resumes exploring the early years whereby an area of heath underwent rapid urban development to become Moordown.
Victorian Bournemouth (177): early Moordown (1)
Victorian Bournemouth (177) charts aspects of how Moordown experienced rapid growth from an empty heath to a busy suburb.
Victorian Bournemouth (176): infant mortality (3)
Victorian Bournemouth (176) finds infant mortality a constant factor throughout the resort’s developing eastern suburbs.
Victorian Bournemouth (175): infant mortality (2)
Victorian Bournemouth (175) analyses the occurrences of infant mortality recorded in the neighbouring settlements of Moordown and Winton.
Victorian Bournemouth (174): infant mortality (1)
Victorian Bournemouth (174) explores parish records to understand how infant mortality blighted local society during that period.
Victorian Bournemouth (173): marriage social dynamics
Victorian Bournemouth (173) explores social information within the occupations of grooms and father-in-laws found on marriage certificates.
Victorian Bournemouth (172): wedding signatures
Victorian Bournemouth (172) analyses signatures made by bride and groom on wedding certificates after ceremonies at several local parish churches.
Victorian Bournemouth (171): single mothers (2)
Victorian Bournemouth (171) follows the curious story of a single mother and her daughter through official sources.
Victorian Bournemouth (170): single mothers (1)
Victorian Bournemouth (170) explores the subject of illegitimacy as it occurred within the resort and its suburbs.