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Victorian Bournemouth (113)
3rd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (108): Eastward Ho! (1)

Eastern promise Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (108) explores the background to the process whereby the Improvement Commission annexed the resort’s eastern settlements. Bournemouth also increased its representation on the Board of Guardians managing the Christchurch Union. This subject covers several articles. Victorian Bournemouth (108): geography Population increase During the 1870s population continued to grow within Greater […]

Victorian Bournemouth (107): commercial trends
3rd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (107): commercial analysis (1880)

Growth on growth on growth Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (107) analyses the commercial profile of the area during its third period. The study draws from several directories, the latest published in 1880. In addition, the 1881 census contains important information. This shows that the largest economic sector, based on employees, consisted of domestic service. Directories, however, […]

Victorian Bournemouth (106)
3rd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (106): population and challenges in 1870s

More people: more problems Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (106) analyses key aspects of the resort’s population during the 1870s. It charts population growth, identifying changes in geographical distribution and social texture. These developments brought increasing administrative pressure on the Improvement Commissioners and Bournemouth’s system of government. Victorian Bournemouth (106): overview Substantial residential growth Census figures for […]

Victorian Bournemouth (158)
3rd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (105): the 1870s

Successes and failures Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (105) introduces articles that will analyse social and economic aspects of the resort’s history during the 1870s. Great changes occurred during this decade. Victorian Bournemouth (105): population and economy Momentum The pattern of continuous growth in Bournemouth’s population and commercial establishment did not abate during these years. In rough […]

Victorian Bournemouth (208)

Victorian Bournemouth (104): Q4 summary

More. More. More. Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (104) considers some of the main points that have emerged from studying its second period. Victorian Bournemouth (104): continued and wider attraction Tourist traffic Articles on the tourist season of 1864, the increase in numbers of hotels, and the way in which residents absorbed some of the high season […]

Victorian Bournemouth (141)
2nd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (103): entertainment replays

Polygraphy. Circus. Minstrels. Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (103) explores reports of theatrical performances to recreate an idea of what the resort’s audience witnessed. The study uses press reports of an act’s performance at Bournemouth as well as elsewhere to recapture as much as possible. Most of the acts mentioned performed popular entertainment, rather than serious music […]

Victorian Bournemouth (102)
2nd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (102): entertainment needs

Protect. Promenade. Progress. Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (102) explores how affluent people used certain entertainment forms to obtain different objectives. Their applications appear to correspond with different places on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This psychological framework categorises human motivation to fulfil basic to extended needs. The needs identified here appear in three of Maslow’s hierarchical levels: […]

Victorian Bournemouth (125)
2nd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (101): annuitants

Spa-trekking, wealthy, single ladies Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (101) presents the results of analysing women designated in the 1871 census as ‘annuitant’. They formed one part of women visiting and residing in Bournemouth who depended on ‘unearned’ incomes. Victorian Bournemouth (101): unearned incomes Overview A tenth of women recorded in the resort by the 1871 census […]

Victorian Bournemouth (212)
2nd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (100): Improvement Commissioners

Control. Challenge. Complications. Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (100) surveys the Board of Improvement Commissioners which had served the town following its enactment in 1856. Before the Improvement Commission’s establishment, individual initiative without an overall framework had created Bournemouth’s built environment. Medical concerns about the resulting state of the drainage system in part lead to the establishment […]

Victorian Bournemouth (99): holiday venues
2nd Period

Victorian Bournemouth (99): holiday venue analysis

Arrival of lodging-houses Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (99) surveys the estate of venues used for holiday purposes during the early 1860s. It matches data on venue arrivals collected for 1864 with other sources that contain information on these buildings and their occupants. Although established venues served this market throughout the year, private lodgings may have helped […]