Legal approval for illegal violence Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (118) explores a court case reported in close detail concerning forcible entry into a tenanted house by the landlord. It shows high drama occurring in both the event and the court hearing. Genealogical analysis suggests that the event involved a clash between power, exercised by a wealthy […]
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Victorian Bournemouth (117): Q1 summary
Growth. Expansion. Control. Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (117) looks back on the first quarter’s articles referring to the resort’s third period, the 1870s. Articles covered Bournemouth’s demographic and cultural profile, the Improvement Board’s annexation of the eastern settlements. During the latter questions arose concerning its members’ competency to administer Bournemouth at this stage of development. Victorian […]
Victorian Bournemouth (116): Improvement Commission 1870s (3)
All types together Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (116) continues the series of articles which cover the activities and identities of the Improvement Commissioners during the 1870s. This article explores their social backgrounds, their connections, and their role in the community. Victorian Bournemouth (116): social Working and middling people Since the Commission’s establishment in 1856, its Board […]
Victorian Bournemouth (115): Improvement Commission 1870s (2)
La même chose Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (115) continues the series of articles which analyse the Improvement Commissioners’ activities during the 1870s. This piece traces how their traditional style of administration had become inadequate to match its development ideas or the town’s size and complexity. As a result, the seeds of incorporation began to germinate. Victorian […]
Victorian Bournemouth (114): Improvement Commission 1870s (1)
Infrastructure and Income Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (114) begins a series of articles concerning the workings of the Improvement Commission during the 1870s. This piece addresses the main objectives pursued by the Commissioners and their challenges during the decade. Victorian Bournemouth (114): major objectives Sewage In the resort’s early days, unrestrained building had resulted in concerns […]
Victorian Bournemouth (113): Eastward Ho! (6)
Scrooge at the Christchurch Union Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (113) shows how traditional attitudes to the poor united Christchurch’s Union Guardians despite personal animosities. It follows events and decision making which resulted in the new workhouse, situated in Christchurch, but also serving the poor of Holdenhurst (including Bournemouth). The Guardians’ attitudes to their management of local […]
Victorian Bournemouth (112): Eastward Ho! (5)
Thrust and parry Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (112) explores further eastward expansion for the resort’s power brokers: the Christchurch Union for poor relief. This organisation supported the area’s poor both at home and in its Workhouse. Its area included Bournemouth. In the late 1870s, the number of Bournemouth people serving on the Union’s management board grew […]
Victorian Bournemouth (111): Eastward Ho! (4)
Confusion and more confusion Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (111) continues the analysis of the resort’s territorial appetite for lands and institutions lying to its east. The vestry elections at Holdenhurst and increasing presence of Bournemouth people on the Christchurch Union’s Board of Guardians provide two examples of this continued process. These advances provoked resentment and reaction. […]
Victorian Bournemouth (110): Eastward Ho! (3)
Brief candle of independence Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (110) discusses the series of meetings and decisions taken during the mid-1870s that resulted in the town’s annexation of Springbourne, Boscombe, and East Cliff. Victorian Bournemouth (110): Background Land ‘Boscombe is now virtually joined to Bournemouth.’ This press statement accompanied notice about extensive building in the former. Attempts […]
Victorian Bournemouth (109): Eastward Ho! (2)
Different folks. Different strokes. Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (109) explores the social profiles and life histories of the men who served on the short-lived committees of Springbourne and Boscombe in 1875. It also compares them with the backgrounds of those who supported independence for the ’70 acres’ on East Cliff. Victorian Bournemouth (109): Springbourne committee Building […]