Requirements: types, qualities, skills Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (128) continues the series of studies about domestic service advertising for female staff to work in the resort 1878-1881. The analysis references a database constructed from details of job requirements and advertisers which appeared each week in the Western Gazette. Businesses working in the hospitality industry and their […]
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Victorian Bournemouth (127): servant want ads
A growing category Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (127) begins a series of articles which analyses want ads for indoor, female servants appearing in the Western Gazette 1878-1881. Subjects studied include types of servant sought, qualities desired, ages, and pay. The analysis also touches on such larger issues as Bournemouth’s economic health, the social profile of employers, […]
Victorian Bournemouth (126): brand advertising in the 1870s
Modern marketing from the past Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (126) uses a sample of advertisements placed in one publication to explore media marketing practices during the 1870s. The sample consists of advertisements placed in the Poole & Dorset Herald by selected package goods marketers. It provides a glimpse into the early marketing for several products that […]
Victorian Bournemouth (125): hotels (1872-1881)
More and more choice Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (125) surveys the hotels present in the resort during the period 1872-1881. Over these years the number of establishments more than doubled. The article explores the social backgrounds of those who controlled or managed the hotels. Victorian Bournemouth (125): venue survey Holiday venues For much of Bournemouth’s early […]
Victorian Bournemouth (124): Tourist traffic in 1870s
Growth of hotel arrivals’ share Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (124) uses the Visitors’ List Database to chart trends and changes in the resort’s holiday traffic. The database holds names of people arriving at and departing from named venues as published in the local press. While continued investment occurred within the lodging-house market, significant increases in the […]
Victorian Bournemouth (123): church offerings (2)
Giving reflects donors’ wider purposes Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (123) looks further into the patterns of donations made by the congregations attending the resort’s three main churches. The analysis explores the extent to which the incumbents’ style of worship and personal ambitions may have resulted in these patterns. Victorian Bournemouth (123): schools and missions Detail In […]
Victorian Bournemouth (122): church offerings (1)
Heavenly pennies Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (122) explores the patterns within donations made by the resort’s main three churches during the 1870s. Each week, the Poole & Dorset Herald reported the amounts given by parishioners of St Peter’s, St Michael’s, and Holy Trinity. Analysis finds wide differences in the amounts given and their application between the […]
Victorian Bournemouth (121): mob violence (3)
A clash of envy against ambition Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (121) marks the third and final article analysing a riot which happened on Windham Road, Springbourne, in 1878. During this, a mob tried to harm Arthur Adams, tailor, a court witness, and set his house alight. This article explores the social profile of the victims or […]
Victorian Bournemouth (120): mob violence (2)
Arson and assault vs social ambition Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (120) marks the second of several articles analysing a riot which happened on Windham Road, Springbourne, in 1878. Arthur Adams, a Springbourne tailor, had given evidence in court leading to the conviction of local criminals. In revenge, that day, they came to burn his house and […]
Victorian Bournemouth (119): mob violence (1)
Circling the family’s wagons Introduction Victorian Bournemouth (119) marks the first of several articles analysing a riot which happened on Windham Road, Springbourne, in 1878. During this, a mob tried to harm Arthur Adams, tailor, a court witness and set his house alight. This article arranges the events along a timeline extracted from several witness […]